Manukora Manuka Honey Review

It does not come as a surprise that honey has been used both as food and medicine since times immemorial owing to its sweet sickly taste and numerous medicinal qualities. With a high quotient of plant compounds, honey has a plethora of health benefits and is a perfect and healthy alternative to refined sugar. 

Manukora Manuka honey is an even better premium honey that is obtained after years of ageing and treatment. The gold standards ensure that the honey is bold, highly active and has key antibacterial properties. Sourced from some of the best hives in the interiors of Manuka forests in New Zealand, Manukora Manuka honey is raw, unpasteurized, antibiotic-free, non-GMO Project verified and also glyphosate residue-free certified. Best relished directly from the jar, the honey has a delish taste and amazing health benefits.

Manuka Honey Facts

Endowed with a range of properties and health benefits, Manuka is a premium and rich variant of honey that is obtained from hand-selected hives in the remote forests of Manuka in New Zealand. 

Known as one of the purest and rawest forms of honey, Manuka honey is rich in flavonoids and has a generous quantity of unique compound MGO present in it. MGO (also known as Methylglyoxal) has antibacterial properties that contribute highly to maintaining health and wellness. 

Other than being a rich and natural source of energy boost, the delicious honey is also effective in maintaining a healthy immune system.  

What Makes Manukora Manuka Honey the Best?

Manukora Manuka Honey has a range of properties and compounds that makes it the best in terms of taste and qualities. Here listing each of its special properties:

  1. Non GMO- Project Verified
    GMO means Genetically Modified Organisms. By saying that Manukora Manuka Honey is Non GMO-Project Verified, we mean that this honey is free from Genetically Modified Organisms and holds a certification for the same.

    To ensure that the beehives are safe from other GMOs used in plants or pollen, Manukora Manuka Honey is obtained from beehives that are harvested at a distance of atleast 4 miles from other GMO grown crops and hence, has no traces of it.
  2. Glyphosate Residue-Free Certified
    Glyphosate is a recurring poisonous compound that can be found in common types of weed killers, insecticides and pesticides. This chemical can be spread by the wind and seep down the crops to make them inconsumable and poisonous.

    To ensure that our beehives are safe from glyphosate, Manukora Manuka Honey is harvested in remote locations so that the chemical from neighbouring plants cannot be transferred to the beehives anyhow. Also, the beehive keepers follow a strict policy of not using glyphosate sprays on the land to prevent any contamination.

    Manukora Manuka Honey from New Zealand is one of the only three types of honey brand in the world to be independently certified of being glyphosate residue free.
  3. Antibiotic Free
    One of the best qualities of Manukora Manuka Honey is that it is absolutely antibiotic free and is obtained through a 100% organic process. The bees used to obtain this honey are fed an all-organic diet devoid of any inorganic, fillers or antibiotics. Every jar is free of any antibiotic and is rich in taste and medicinal properties.

    Usually bees feed on the bloom or natural floral juices. But during the winter months when the flowers are not blooming, and it is colder, they feed on the store of honey produced in the summers. To increase the produce, some of the beekeepers infuse the stored honey with chemicals or synthetic compounds. At Manukora Manuka Honey Hives, the bees are fed with the organically produced honey so it is completely organic and antibiotic free. This fact has also been proved with a test that the honey is pure, potent and organic.
  4. Raw and Unpasteurized
    One of the secrets behind the rich goodness and syrupy texture of Manukora Manuka honey is that it is raw and unpasteurised. A clear and translucent colour and texture of honey is an indication of the treatment and processing that it has gone through. You will notice that Manuka honey is variable in colour and has a thick dewy look which proves that the natural properties of the honey are retained.

    Other than the health benefits, Manuka honey is also not pasteurised which indicates that all naturally occurring ingredients are retained and the honey is the best and purest version to be obtained. It is almost the raw version that is sourced from the hives.
  5. Sourced from the ‘Golden Triangle’
    ‘Golden Triangle’ is an area in the remote forests of Manuka in New Zealand which is one of the best Manuka producing regions in the world. The beekeepers guarantee that the bees are kept and bred at this same location which makes for the outstanding quality and taste of the honey.

    The ‘Golden Triangle’ is a temperate area situated in the northern region of New Zealand spanning from Taranaki on the West Coast, across wild East Cape to the peak of the North Island in Northland.
  6. Ingredients and Nutritional Facts
    Manukora Manuka Honey is undoubtedly the best Manuka honey available in the markets which boasts of a 100% raw and unpasteurised quality. It comes in a jar of 2 sizes which can serve 12 and 24 servings respectively. One serving each is one tablespoon which has 60 calories. Further, the honey has 0% fat, 0% sodium and 0% protein.

Now that we have listed the several benefits and qualities of Manukora Manuka Honey, you should hurry and get yourself a jar to savour the delicious taste and enjoy the health benefits on the side. Let us know how you like it in the comments below. 

Aqsa is a part-time home chef and a full-time gourmet who believes that discovering new flavors from various cuisines is one of the biggest joys of her life. A die-hard coffee aficionado, she is also a literature graduate who loves to document her culinary experiences to be shared with a larger audience.

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